Can I Carry Liquor in Domestic Flight 2024

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liquor policy in domestic flights

You’ve got your boarding pass in hand, your luggage is securely packed, and you about to board a domestic flight in India.

You want to carry your specific brand of liquor or you discovered something very unique and you want to carry that liquor to you destination.

The very first question will hist your mind is “Can I carry liquor with me on this flight?” and you will google it.

Here we are writing the complete informative blogpost on the various questions revolving around the topic “Can I carry liquor with me on this flight”.

Rules to Carry Liquor on Domestic Flights in India :

In India, the rules about “Carrying Liquor on Domestic Flights in India  are governed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) .

According to DGCA guidelines:

  1. Passengers are allowed to carry liquor bottles in their checked luggage.
  2. The alcohol content must not exceed 70% (140 proof).
  3. The total quantity of alcohol should be within the permissible limit set by the destination state’s excise laws.

In India Alcohol is a subject governed and managed by the state under Seventh Schedule of Constitution of India. Therefore, governing laws may vary from state to state.

When it comes to carrying liquor on domestic flights within India, regulations vary slightly depending on whether you’re traveling within the country’s borders or flying to dry states.

Generally, you’re allowed to carry a limited quantity of liquor in your checked baggage and hand luggage. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

What is legal age to carry alcohol in flight in india ?

Legal age to the use of alcohol in india is 18 in some states . Few states have the bar to 21 years for the use of Alcohol . Depending on the state you are travelling the legal age to carry alcohol will be justified on the benchmark of Consuption age .

How much quantity of liquor can i carry in Domestic Flights in India ?

The amount of liquor you can carry is subject to restrictions. Typically, for passengers above the legal drinking age, you’re allowed to carry up to 5 Liters of alcohol in your checked baggage.

As for your hand luggage, most airlines allow small bottles (up to 100 ml) of alcoholic beverages that adhere to the 3-1-1 rule (3.4 ounces or 100 millilitres per container, in a quart-sized, clear, resealable plastic bag).

Local laws to carry liquor in domestic flights in india ?

It’s essential to be aware of the laws of the state you’re departing from and arriving at. Some Indian states have stricter regulations on alcohol possession and transportation.

For instance, states like Gujarat and Bihar have prohibition laws, so carrying alcohol into these states is restricted.

Final Thoughts Carrying Liquor on Domestic Flights in India :

Now that you’re familiar with the rules, it’s time to pack your liquor with care:

Choose Wisely: Opt for smaller bottles if you plan to carry alcohol in your hand luggage. These should be easily accommodated in your resealable plastic bag.

Protect Your Bottles: To avoid mishaps during transit, ensure that each bottle is individually wrapped in bubble wrap or padding and securely placed within your checked baggage.

Know Your Airline: While the regulations might be standard across most airlines, it’s always a good idea to double-check with your specific airline before you start packing.

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on updates or changes to the rules before your departure. Air travel regulations can sometimes be subject to change due to security or local law alterations.

As you take to the skies for your domestic journey within India, the rules surrounding carrying liquor might seem a bit intricate, but they are designed to ensure safety, security, and compliance with local laws.

By adhering to these regulations and planning your liquor transportation thoughtfully, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your flight without any unnecessary stress.